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  1. Swarm Mystery (1 replies)
  2. Polypropylene (PP) food grade honey buckets. (0 replies)
  3. Bees on Laurels (1 replies)
  4. Queen balling (6 replies)
  5. Round sections (6 replies)
  6. Association accounts (2 replies)
  7. Nosema (4 replies)
  8. Honey Gate (9 replies)
  9. Wax Moth - whats the control method of choice these days ? (3 replies)
  10. Newsflash 2020 was a rubbish year (10 replies)
  11. Apivar and wax (8 replies)
  12. Several eggs in cells (8 replies)
  13. Frequency of oxalic treatment (5 replies)
  14. Demaree when brood on 'one and a half' (2 replies)
  15. Queen present but no brood - what do I do ? (6 replies)
  16. Swarm trap (10 replies)
  17. Laying Queen but no larvae brought on? (2 replies)
  18. Interviews with Beekeepers (1 replies)
  19. Hello (2 replies)
  20. Returning Swarm? (3 replies)
  21. No brood - no Queen. (4 replies)
  22. Bumblebee parasite? (6 replies)
  23. Conversion of Smiths brood frames into National (4 replies)
  24. As if we don't have enough to contend with ..... (4 replies)
  25. Continental "cassette" hives (3 replies)
  26. Pollen Substitute (4 replies)
  27. Stewarton Hive (11 replies)
  28. Acetic acid (9 replies)
  29. Aberdeen colonies broodless? (12 replies)
  30. Soft-set honey (16 replies)
  31. Wax processing - best solution !? (26 replies)
  32. Busy at the heather (1 replies)
  33. Combined clearer board/travel screen (9 replies)
  34. Boosting small colonies (6 replies)
  35. Capping supers (8 replies)
  36. Dark bees? (8 replies)
  37. Fondant or syrup for autumn feeding (12 replies)
  38. Combining query (11 replies)
  39. Single or Double brood ? (3 replies)
  40. Feeding honey (5 replies)
  41. Buckfast v carniolan (4 replies)
  42. Swarming or supercedure (6 replies)
  43. Identification help (7 replies)
  44. Suggestions required (4 replies)
  45. Crop spraying (4 replies)
  46. From double brood to single brood (5 replies)
  47. University student looking for a W.B.C hive for a upcoming project. (0 replies)
  48. Regulations (12 replies)
  49. Queen in Purdah (0 replies)
  50. Introduction to beekeeping presentation (1 replies)
  51. Bees on deck (3 replies)
  52. Partition hive for queen rearing (8 replies)
  53. Beekeeping Management Practices - interesting paper (0 replies)
  54. 2 in 1 poly nuc box (19 replies)
  55. heather honey loosener - options (1 replies)
  56. Behaviour traits - reading list (0 replies)
  57. Survey for beekeepers (0 replies)
  58. honeybee survey (4 replies)
  59. September nectar flow? (18 replies)
  60. modified commercial (5 replies)
  61. queens eggs not hatching (6 replies)
  62. Porter bee escapes (26 replies)
  63. Polyhive supers frame spacing (11 replies)
  64. Tangential versus radial (14 replies)
  65. Marburg Box (1 replies)
  66. Seven-day insections (3 replies)
  67. Heather weather (34 replies)
  68. Aberdeenshire visit. (5 replies)
  69. Supercedure queen cells query (5 replies)
  70. Laying worker genes (1 replies)
  71. Honey colours (8 replies)
  72. Storm Hector on way. (5 replies)
  73. Fiona Highet MBE (3 replies)
  74. Thunder! (2 replies)
  75. Bee saving paper. (2 replies)
  76. Looking for bee keepers around NE Glasgow/East Dunbartonshire (2 replies)
  77. Guidelines for selling a colony of bees (6 replies)
  78. What to do with a Drone laying queen? (3 replies)
  79. Smallest swarm (4 replies)
  80. Mouse in the house. (2 replies)
  81. Correx Nuc Boxes Available (2 replies)
  82. Scottish parliament honey (1 replies)
  83. Snails in Poly hives. (4 replies)
  84. Ian Craig: RIP (1 replies)
  85. Propolis from the Stirling area (1 replies)
  86. Senior scientific question equations??? (50 replies)
  87. Swarm prevention (8 replies)
  88. Secret talks and other matters tut tut (5 replies)
  89. What will brexit mean for British Pollinators (12 replies)
  90. Apis Mellifera Carnica (2 replies)
  91. Renovate old extractor (7 replies)
  92. SBA AGM photochopped (4 replies)
  93. stacking or storing frames (6 replies)
  94. SBA site (again) (4 replies)
  95. Langstroth Nuc (0 replies)
  96. This weeks question on genitics. (Senior Scientific) (20 replies)
  97. Thurrock Independents (1 replies)
  98. When is a queen a queen and whe is she a worker. (1 replies)
  99. Irish border (4 replies)
  100. The Dance floor. (9 replies)
  101. New group formed to represent Irish Beekeepers IBA Clg (10 replies)
  102. Allergy to bee / wasp stings (2 replies)
  103. Batten down the hatches (9 replies)
  104. Light Hives heads up (0 replies)
  105. Sending honey by post (8 replies)
  106. Werewolves, not vampires (5 replies)
  107. Foraging temepratures (11 replies)
  108. Another set of vidoes which beginners may well find useful. (8 replies)
  109. Propolis removal. (2 replies)
  110. A heather moor video (4 replies)
  111. Avid Beekeeper Visiting Scotland (35 replies)
  112. SBA website search functionality? (22 replies)
  113. Congratulations to the Editor of the SBA Magazine. (1 replies)
  114. Annoying....... (13 replies)
  115. Ophelia is coming (10 replies)
  116. Dark honey (17 replies)
  117. Fondant source (9 replies)
  118. Bee dances. (3 replies)
  119. Asian Hornet update (2 replies)
  120. Weight of a poly super (22 replies)
  121. Separating wax from honey (14 replies)
  122. Late September test frame (5 replies)
  123. feeding bees. (5 replies)
  124. Another reason I love to loathe The Times on a Saturday ... (2 replies)
  125. Another question (2 replies)
  126. 20% off Bees book by Falk and Lewington (0 replies)
  127. Supersedure queen question (4 replies)
  128. Queen seen, but not laying| (4 replies)
  129. Rustler at it again. (2 replies)
  130. What was that. (1 replies)
  131. Price of wax? (1 replies)
  132. Observation hive - post show treatment ? (6 replies)
  133. Dead Brood (4 replies)
  134. Question (26 replies)
  135. Heather ops (41 replies)
  136. Win a gold bee competition (1 replies)
  137. Wasp season 2017 (22 replies)
  138. Buckwheat (4 replies)
  139. Oil seed rape honey help (22 replies)
  140. Disaster with the examiners (9 replies)
  141. Correx rash (4 replies)
  142. Bee larvae tacos recipe (1 replies)
  143. Apidea ventilation (9 replies)
  144. Double brood box..... and queen cells (9 replies)
  145. Pollination podcast (0 replies)
  146. Working the Gean (1 replies)
  147. Osr 2017 (4 replies)
  148. What enviormental factors influence nectar secretation. (1 replies)
  149. Oxalic acid vapourising in Polystyrene hives (2 replies)
  150. How to merge a hive (4 replies)
  151. The Bees by Laline Paull (0 replies)
  152. Apple orchard invite. (12 replies)
  153. Uniting colonies (5 replies)
  154. Schools pack (0 replies)
  155. Beekeeping course. (3 replies)
  156. Swarm control (13 replies)
  157. Honey bee or honeybee (7 replies)
  158. Local bees (15 replies)
  159. Bees and ball skills (3 replies)
  160. Cleaning frames / gas boilers ? (1 replies)
  161. Whooping bees (3 replies)
  162. stupna košnica dk i rad sa njom Whatever that means (10 replies)
  163. *** Caption Competition !! *** (9 replies)
  164. Last of the damaged heather comb.......processing ? (5 replies)
  165. How do your bees look at this time of year? (22 replies)
  166. Tapatalk users (1 replies)
  167. Problems with Ivy stores. (3 replies)
  168. Winter shut down (14 replies)
  169. Happy New Year 2017 - plans for the season ? (13 replies)
  170. Eggs on varroa screen floor (2 replies)
  171. Apistan success (8 replies)
  172. All I want for Christmas ... (6 replies)
  173. Apimondia press release. (3 replies)
  174. Time to raid the brick store (5 replies)
  175. Lovely smelling moustache (0 replies)
  176. the murder of beekeeper (3 replies)
  177. Seminar at University of Aberdeen - Friday 25th Nov - Giles Budge (0 replies)
  178. Cheer up ... all year beekeeping coming soon (24 replies)
  179. Bee data flawed. (0 replies)
  180. Beekeeping Insurance. (3 replies)
  181. Creating Forage maps. (5 replies)
  182. A sobering reminder (1 replies)
  183. Recycling propolis (6 replies)
  184. Eats Shoots and Leaves (12 replies)
  185. Channel 4 now! (0 replies)
  186. The Magic of Bees. (2 replies)
  187. Apologies ... (1 replies)
  188. Lifes a bitch. (1 replies)
  189. Justice (6 replies)
  190. British exit from Europe. (17 replies)
  191. Which method should I try. (4 replies)
  192. Why its wrong to eat honey. (5 replies)
  193. Bumble bee intelligence (2 replies)
  194. What happens if a queen lays too many eggs. (1 replies)
  195. Apiinvert density (3 replies)
  196. Just what we needed. (1 replies)
  197. Thorne's Flash Frame Sale (0 replies)
  198. You can save the bees (8 replies)
  199. Spinning without frames (0 replies)
  200. Crystallised 2015 Heather super? (1 replies)
  201. Bear Grylls vs Bees (1 replies)
  202. What do Bees see. (1 replies)
  203. Bumble bee assassins...... Just what we need (5 replies)
  204. Has a marker been identified for avm ? (46 replies)
  205. The Queen must die. (5 replies)
  206. Facebook page (6 replies)
  207. Propolis (4 replies)
  208. rehousing bee swarm in late august before winter ireland (3 replies)
  209. Queenless hive or not? (26 replies)
  210. Drawing comb (4 replies)
  211. Winter preperation and location of stores. (11 replies)
  212. NDB course in Manchester (1 replies)
  213. Supers being emptied... (5 replies)
  214. Apis mellifera on new 1 dollar coin (2 replies)
  215. Theres money in them there bees. (2 replies)
  216. Henry V act 1 scene7 (1 replies)
  217. help with non co-operative swarm (2 replies)
  218. Changed Orientation (4 replies)
  219. Brace Comb in odd place (3 replies)
  220. Bee venom query (8 replies)
  221. New extractor advice (11 replies)
  222. Thank you. (2 replies)
  223. Preparing for cut comb (11 replies)
  224. June gap. (10 replies)
  225. Strip foundation brood frame with bamboo (11 replies)
  226. Last Year's honey frames? (3 replies)
  227. To move or not to move? (0 replies)
  228. Swarm cells (4 replies)
  229. Dead scouts (3 replies)
  230. LASI Hygienic Queens (18 replies)
  231. Nucs becoming nectar bound. (6 replies)
  232. Vintage Extractor (5 replies)
  233. Dangers of Double brood box. (65 replies)
  234. Brood box and a half (6 replies)
  235. Bee venom collector and collecting bee venom (0 replies)
  236. Feeding (4 replies)
  237. "Judas" (11 replies)
  238. Anyone have contact details for John Colquhoun, Sunnside Apiary, Allanton? (1 replies)
  239. Can anybody identify this please? (7 replies)
  240. Looking for a beekeeper in the Blackburn Region .. rural hive space available (3 replies)
  241. Langstroth and Plastic (11 replies)
  242. Pollen Quality. (2 replies)
  243. West of Scotland Buckies (1 replies)
  244. Frame building - pro tips ? (11 replies)
  245. Roadkill (8 replies)
  246. Newly hatched Q ejected from nuc (25 replies)
  247. Clever bees. (0 replies)
  248. removing colony from soffit ? (11 replies)
  249. Will your bees attempt to swarm in May (169 replies)
  250. Queen not laying (28 replies)