But the problem is that those of us who are interested in bee breeding and bee improvement are the people routinely using wing morphometry.
From earlier comments in the thread, it's clear that wing morphometry has been used by Bibba people since the 1970s at least so there could well be a selection artifact at this stage.
My position on wing morphometry is neither for nor against, but I would like further clarification as that Moritz paper does throw up a lot of doubts. Germany has one of the best organised bee improvement programmes in the world and they use wing morphometry as part of the selection process and it clearly has not been good enough for the breeders to distinguish Carnica from Carnica hybrids. This is all spelled out really clearly in the paper.
Germany is light years ahead of the UK in terms of bee breeding yet they fell into this trap with the selection artifact.
Could UK breeders be making the same mistake?