The only guarantee is II but I have reservations . Main concern being that Queen bees are promiscuous as a survival strategy , the insemination by up to 15 drones ensures that a large gene pool is banked in the workers from whence the next queen is produced.
All these workers will have differing strengths and weaknesses, ensuring that in changing environmental conditions , the particular "strengths" at the time will be passed on to the following queens?
Attempting to maintain this wide pool whilst indulging in II may not be as simple as it would appear, as our idea of the ideal won't match natures ideal ,with the necessary varying of the genetic make up within individual colonies.
Homogeny isn't the intended(evolutionary) strategy of the honeybee.
To sum up , I think your idea of sussing out the population before hand and flooding the area with drones from within the AMM type bee strain is the way to go.

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