Quote Originally Posted by Calluna4u View Post
Its the same here in eastern Scotland. Many floral sources available but the bees (of all racial types) have brought in nothing for quite some time and hunger is becoming pressing.

Just posted on the beekeeping forum that I was out with the bee inspectors yesterday seeing a group of ours that were within the 3Km circle round a recently reported AFB case. Nothing was found after a full inspection, but the big thing is that they had NO food. They were in a sheltered spot between a big OSR field, and a field of beans, so had abundant forage up to three weeks ago. They now have plentiful bramble, lime, willowherb and balsam in flower within about a quarter mile, and they are getting NOTHING.
These bees (there are different racial types in the group but all are affected much the same) have had no honey at all taken from them and in a few days time would be in a bad way.
I hope you don't mind Calluna4u but I have quoted some of your post on our Facebook page, Spey Beekeepers Association, so as to inform folk of your concerns. If this is not ok I will take it down.

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