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Thread: Is it too early?

  1. #1

    Default Is it too early?

    Hi all,

    Just went into the hives today to clear the floors, no inspection or anything as I thought it was still a bit early (and windy).

    Anyways one of the colonies was literally bursting at the seams with bees, it looked more like a July hive than March. I was going to double brood one of my colonies this year and I think I may go for this one but is it too early?


  2. #2
    Administrator gavin's Avatar
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    It does seem early but there are some stonking colonies around this year. Pick one of those warmer lunchtimes and pull a couple of frames at the end to see whether they are covered in bees or are just empty comb with some bees along the top. If the edges are packed with bees, put your second box on.

  3. #3


    Hi there. I think it's fine enough.
    Been there today myself. Everything seemed perfect. So I don't know what are you talking about.

    Frank: I've decided to give you the benefit of the doubt for now and just removed the link you added in your post. It wan't related to beekeeping and isn't appropriate. G.
    Last edited by gavin; 22-03-2012 at 12:45 PM.

  4. #4
    Administrator gavin's Avatar
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    If you add a second box early in our cool, slow springs the bees will chimney upwards. Best time the addition of boxes so that they move up when they are nearly using the full width of their first box. It isn't just to make them use the boxes in the way you want, adding boxes too early can make it harder for them to keep warm and can set them back.

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