Several quandaries going on here ...
- [1]Each time I prepare to raise queen cells I ponder whether I need to familiarise the bees with the cell-bar frame (sprayed with syrup). Some say do, some say don't bother. What's the verdict?
[2]Plastic queen cups ~ use once only? These are often left very clean after use, or having had their larvae rejected. To re-use or not to re-use?
[3] Do you feed the queen raiser only when there's no nectar flow or do you feed anyway?
[4] What's the ideal feeding method for the queen raiser? Perhaps overhead slow feeder or risk drowing with frame feeder (though I now use netting in these which works much better than the float)? Perhaps a frame with water and another with fondant?
[5]Do you recommend some water source in a sponge or feeder for the cell raiser in warm weather?
Too many options aren't there. Hey, but wouldn't it be dull if there was just one method and one "correct" way to use it!