Quote Originally Posted by prakel View Post
But he's very experienced at rescuing stray bees on natural comb; wacking them in a box and then farming them out on pollination contracts -without any loss of resistance.

This is where choices need to be made. Nothing at all wrong with not wanting honey from your bees if you're more interested in other aspects of their life cycle but equally, there's no shame in wanting to take a harvest from them.

There's a thread on this forum about blank foundation sheets started by mellifera crofter: Wax

Tongue in cheek might be a good description of my comment. MB's site has got some interesting ideas, the section containing transcripts of old books by different authors, which he's made freely available, is especially good. Not sure off the top of my head what his experience with horizontal top-bar hives is but if I was wanting to learn about them I'd be looking towards Wyatt Mangum's site as a primary online reference:

200 Top-Bar Hives: The Low-Cost Sustainable Way

Equally. I hope that you can get on top of the situation locally before more damage is done.