The way it worked with us was that one of our Branch associations under Avon Beekeepers ran a series of evening workshops covering the Module 1 correspondance coursework and we covered one section per evening (I think there are six in total). We then had a day that everyone who was sitting any of the module exams could go back to the same place and actually sit the exam. I think the association has an advantage by having a couple of members who are BBKA examiners though so I'm not too sure how this'd work otherwise. It might be a point worth raising with your association though, see if there is interest (and perhaps with neighbouring ones too) in running a workshop or two to cover what's in the syllabus. I certainly found it very useful just being a bunch of othe beekeepers of varying experience levels working through each point, brainstorming the information we knew about hive types, why each of us chose the ones we had, what we knew about Swarm Prevention and Swarm Control etc. and picking up pointers such as knowing that a lot of people tend to get the two wrong so really getting on top of the difference between prevention and control, for example, is something worth knowing.