Into my second year of beekeeping and still so much to learn...
Last year's queen disappeared sometime in (probably early) April. No sign of young brood towards the end of April, she must have just died I guess. Anyway, I noticed queen cells and let one hatch. Haven't actually seen the wee devil, assume she is there somewhere, probably hatched 2-3 weeks ago, just when this really rubbish weather started.
Still no sign of eggs or young brood. How long will the virgin stay viable without mating? There are a fair few drones around, when she does get the chance. Its really not been the weather for it here in Argyll.
The girls are getting crabbit, another indication of queenlessness?
Worried that they will die out, have been feeding syrup as most of apple blossom destroyed before they could get to it...
Any advice welcome.