I remember you posting about that cranky colony.
This one is in a 7 frame nuc at the bottom of my garden.
Maybe need to be careful when it gets a bit bigger.
I have another at the allotment with yellowish bees and that queen is going into her third year and the colony has always been docile.
I have half a dozen colonies I would like to requeen for various reasons and with a bit of luck I will have a few mated queens by the end of May.
Taking into account what Gavin suggested above, it would be daft to let a colony produce dodgy drones as I have plenty of other drone colonies which I am confident about including one headed by the daughter of a Galtee.
There are enough of those in the area anyway.
You get the odd colony which makes bees rather than honey but these are really useful for producing the brood to make up nucs with better queens.

Gavin in your (M*B) example above would this not produce 75% black worker offspring if black is dominant and it looks to me like 75% have yellow bands, certainly much more than a quarter.
Is colour not a polygenic trait anyway?