It all seems a bit of a mess but I hope they sort it - the BBKA forum that is. I don't know what it is about the way that organisation works but it was just the same at the last forum and website reorganisation and I haven't been posting there since. Did I see talk on FB of it going behind a membership wall of some kind? Previously the folk making the decisions knew nothing about the forum and no matter how much pleading was made they went ahead anyway. Not just little consultation but willful ignoring of warnings.

Here the forum and the SBA website sit on different servers and are managed separately. Kevin and Julian are very sensible fellows and they would never jeopardise the forum (even if they could ). I think that we (the SBA) are exceptionally lucky to have Kevin. He's done an amazing job with the website and all of his time is given freely. No IT contracts and consultants to mess it up.

Anyway, all are welcome here if you wish to join in. And Adam, I don't think our insurance covers anything not on Scottish soil, sorry. You could always move .