My bees came through the June gap ok without needing much feed, and started filling their supers with lime, rose-bay and himalayan balsam as usual about 2-3 weeks ago.

10 days ago I checked, and although some of the weaker hives hadn't done much, the strong ones looked on track to have 2 full supers each, with some capping over underway.

Went up today to see if they were ready to come off... and they're almost all empty. The strong hives have about half a super full each, with signs that they were capped, but are now being uncapped again. the weak colonies have bone-dry supers, and while there's some stores in the brood, they're looking like they'll need a lot of feeding very soon.

I know it's been an odd year, but I've never seen them start to empty supers so soon after filling them. I think the problem (other than the weather!) is that with the bees being behind schedule this year, the hives are now crammed full of young bees needing fed, and with the main flow being all but finished around here the only option is to raid the stores.

At least I know I have strong colonies going into winter, but a lack of any harvest at all is very disappointing!

Anyone else seeing similar issues?