Hi everyone. I am writting this because I am new to beekeeping and this time of year for a new beekeeper is a little nerve wraking.
I have 3 hives all with new colonies in june.
I attended a course although it was in french, which is where i live, and i missed alot of important detail due to my bad french.
I made a grave mistake and failed to rapid feed sugar in september and so made a more solid solution with one part water to 3 parts sugar which i heated and let cool and placed directly ontop the frames inside the hive over the winter. I checked mid november to make sure they liked it and topped up end november. so they had that and whatever honey they made ( obviously i didnt take any)
i have been scared to open the hive whilst the temp has been freezing/ snowing to but did tap on the hive and put my ear to hear they were still alive around xmas.
now mid january i went to the orchard to see if there was any activity and they are flying out, but theres no natural pollen to be had, its a bleak time of year for a bee. im sure they should be staying tucked up inside???
Im wondering now whether to give them more candy, like i made b4 as Ive read opinions that it is detrimental to the bees health as they have to use alot of saliva or if it is warm enough now to give a more liquid solution. or in others opinion just granulated sugar or icing sugar? Its only 3degrees today. but has been up to 12.
I expect everyone has a different opinion about this winter feeding but up untill now it seems to have worked and i wouldnt want them to die now. oes it o them any harm to have it there just incase they should need it.
also should they have a water supply close by the hive if i am giving them a candy, which they havent had over the winter.
theres lots to it, id hate them to perrish now. all advice is greatfully recieved.