Quote Originally Posted by Calluna4u View Post
they seem to have parameters they don't like to be breached, and I think cocoon linings of cells is one of them. If they think its getting too cluttered with them they give it a clean out. I think this only happens at first reuse of the comb in spring. I never see the behaviour in mid to late season.
Checking my bees' trash last week (aka clearing the varroa boards), I found one of the strongest colonies had chucked out two quite shockingly thick little lines of dry, pale brown stuff. Some of it was definitely pupa cases - there were intact ends of cocoons, and big flakes of the same material - and from the overall colour & texture I think most of the rest of it was, as well. I've seen similar before, can't remember whether it's only been this at time of year - I'll try to notice from now on!
There's a whole lot of housework going on around the apiary just now, presumably preparing space for expanding broodnests.