I'm not trying to make a point about pollination contracts mbc just that is being touted as a reason for colony imports
Here's what I don't get
You mention after disastrous season for losses when does that happen ?
If I lost 10% that would be a very bad result in my world
When colonies were being made up with imported carnie queens at the start of the season they were apparently marvellous productive colonies by the time they were moved to the rape
So when did it become essential to bring in packages of bees

If we are talking pollination then nucleus colonies are quite capable of doing that
So its not for that reason packages are being imported nor is it that farmers will go bankrupt if we don't import them this country is awash with bees and beekeepers

It's purely a matter of the people doing the importing because they want to do it, but its unpopular so they and have invented every reason under the sun to justify it

Personally I object not so much to what goes on, as to people trying to pull the wool over my eyes about why they do it
They should just come clean and say they are doing it because they want to, they cant get their bees through the Winter, and they don't give a flying fox what anybody else thinks
Fair enough then we will all know where we stand

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