
my wife and I are keen to start beekeeping so I thought this would be a good place to get some information.

I've done a bit of background reading and we've attended a beekeeping workshop at Fintry recently. We're looking for the relevant local group to join (we live on the south side of Glasgow) along with some views on buying our first hive. Our options are to build our own (or more accurately get my clever brother to make one in his workshop) or to buy one ready made. The cheapest ones I've seen are these on eBay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BRITISH-NA...-/181596865678

Does anyone have any experience of this seller? I reckon the materials alone would cost me about £120 so this seems like a good deal. Are there any off-season deals to be had from the big retailers?

(P.S. If an admin reads this, you might want to update your challenge question regarding who the chief politician in Scotland is now.)