Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
I was thinking of using my Paynes polyboxes as mating nucs with just a single brood frame in each.
The frame would go against a wall with an insulated dummy on the other side.
Do remember to allow the bees access to the entrance! (As if you wouldn't ... )

Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
I think Gavin mentioned a system he uses which is a split box above a snelgrove board or something like that.
Yes, I still use it as a means of generating nucs with new mated queens, for increase or boosting the vigour of a colony in mid summer prior to the flit to the heather. A split board as described by Wedmore. When you get the hang of it you can introduce a frame of eggs and change the female line that way if you want. Described here:


With some pictures:


Paynes nuc boxes are easier and I now have a good few of these.

Quote Originally Posted by mbc View Post
I dont think the mesh floor would be good for returning virgins- too much opportunity for confusion IMHO.
Yes, workers and presumably virgins can get lost under the floor when they're not used to it. When putting a split into a Paynes box with the entrance at the base (old design) now I usually put a piece of wood under the entrance to stop them walking under. The new design has the entrance high up the side and I think that will lead to less confusion.