I've agreed to help out on the Beginner's course again this year. Last year I did Honey from hive to jar, this year I'm covering the section on beehives.

I was intending to do a brief history of beehives before looking in some detail at today's hives (I've got an hour and a half to fill and strict instructions not to go off topic, especially into other areas being covered by the course). Despite my own preference for 14x12s it is my intention to use a National hive for most of the demonstrations whilst still going over the general differences and varieties available. I'll even try to say some nice things about Top Bar Hives.

I don't think that it's going to be anything revolutionary in terms of content but just wondering whether folks, thinking back to when they started out, have anything that makes them think "You know, I really wish someone had told me [stuff] when I was starting out".