It has been a while since I welcomed folk here, so it is time for a catch up. So, many thanks everyone who has bothered to fight their way through the registration system over the last year or so. It is great having you here! Top marks to Calluna4 for agreeing to squander some of his valuable time engaging with folk many with a different take on beekeeping. It is always great to learn from someone with so much experience. Today's new forum folk include Alec (good to see you taking the plunge) and Bracecomb! I'm a sucker for inventive forum names, so thanks B, good to see you here. So many bee forum names across the internet, but Bracecomb is a new one on me. I'm expecting you to get stuck in between the gaps.

What a cracking day out there. Looks like it is warm enough to look into some brood boxes undisturbed since last autumn.