I'm ashamed to say that last year my hive records left a lot to be desired, just like the year before. So could it be that the way I've been doing it isn't right for me (bad workman & all that ). The way I've been working is with a piece of paper that I'm supposed to write down my observations and then transfer the info onto the computer and that just ain't happening- the paper is more likely to end up in the smoker than in the house for typing up.

I've decided that a spreadsheet where I just need to fill in particular columns and a column to note misc. stuff might work better for me & if it's kept in a plastic folder, it's less likely to get lost or incinerated. Looking around at different spreadsheets on the internet they really are quite varied. What columns would / does everyone have on theirs?

I know I really need to pull my socks up with this and I know I should have already got everything set up already- I just hate paperwork!