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Thread: todays news

  1. #61


    Grampians are awash with Cherry, Gorse, and Blackthorn. Willow is still going, although they are coming to an end. Some of the fields are starting to turn yellow. Though i am not sure if that is Rape or something else. Possibly a green manure?

  2. #62
    Senior Member EmsE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by onj View Post
    Also some creamy white pollen which is not on my chart.
    My bees were also bringing in creamy white pollen a few weeks ago and I don't know what it is.

  3. #63
    Senior Member chris's Avatar
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    I took the grandchildren for a picnic to the cherry orchard today. On arriving I noticed that in the blackthorn hedge, and just behind the nuc from a split that I'd put there, there was a nice sized swarm. I was *sure* that the queen from the hive I’d split was in the other hive back at the main apiary and that as I’d put all stages of brood, the bees would have stayed put in the nuc. However you never can be sure with bees, and with a witch just down the road. Anyway, rapidly sorting my priorities, I ate the good food, drank the fine wine, and leaving the grandchildren with my wife, went off and collected my gear.
    Looking in my nuc, I saw all was fine, so this was a swarm from elsewhere, though I’ve no idea from where as I know of no other bees nearby. The law says that if you have a Corsican mother in law you can claim any swarm, so this one would be for replacing the one the witch ate the other week. As it was attached to intertwining branches from different bushes I decided to try the following: I put just one frame of old comb at each side of the hive and then manoeuvred the hive into the 18 or so inches under the swarm. I quickly cut all the branches, closed up the hive, waited to check that any stragglers were trying to get inside, and took it back to my main apiary. There, I opened up, and on top of the tangle of thorny twigs and bees I put 8 super frames of drawn comb. I’ll check in a couple of days, and should be able to throw out the blackthorn.
    I’ve now got to quickly prepare some bait hives as I’ve a feeling some bees are showing too much interest in one of the chimneys.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by EmsE View Post
    My bees were also bringing in creamy white pollen a few weeks ago and I don't know what it is.
    It could be wood anemone. We had a few bees down in our wood working the anemones and their pollen was creamy white. Not many bees, though, even though it was only a couple of yards away. They're spoilt for choice for forage now so I suppose there were more attractive/better yielding sources around.

  5. #65
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    Interesting, Chris. My lot also seem to prefer blackthorn for swarming into!

  6. #66
    Senior Member chris's Avatar
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    The swarm watching us picnic

  7. #67
    Senior Member chris's Avatar
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    I checked the hived swarm yesterday. All was fine. The queen had started laying
    The twigs and bits of branch were more or less abandoned, and I could throw them out.
    Attachment 597
    In one place where I couldn't fit any frames because of the twigs coming too high, the bees had constructed some comb attached to the cover board ,to fill the gap.
    Attachment 596
    You can see the wax makers working below the frame.
    Attachment 595
    Last edited by chris; 17-04-2011 at 04:21 PM.

  8. #68

  9. #69
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    a great couple of hours today with the bees.
    12kg weight gain in the last 7 days on the hive on scales.
    Made 3 new colonies up, and 12 queens are being raised in a 6 frame nuc I set up last weekend (yesterday I removed all swarm cells so they jumped at the material I gave them today). Will remove them on Wed and add another 12..
    Seven of my colonies are doing really well, three are a little behind. I'm giving my last over wintered spare colony away, so thats those out of the way too.
    I'll sleep well tonight.

  10. #70
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    Finaly got the residue my poly nationals today.I had collected 3 at the BBKA meet at Stoneleigh on Saturday from the Modern Beekeeping stand leaving them owing me 7. I will be spending the next few days assembling and painting them before transferring my bees to their new homes.Just in time for the local O.S.R.which is just coming into flower - this is quite a bit later than the Rape "down south".Met phil McAnespie and John Mellis down there - representing us Scottish lot.Lots of foreign equipment manufacturers as well as the usual British suppliers - some realy mouth watering (and expensive) equipment on show.
    Examination of my colonies going to plan - no sign of Q cells or cups yet and the Queens continueing to lay well.The bees are very gentle and a pleasure to handle.Plenty of stores coming in now with surplus being stored in the supers and lots of pollen in the brood boxes.Bees all over my fruit trees and soft fruit bushes - could be a bumper year especially if the present warm weather holds.Temperatures 21 deg.C today and the same promised for tomorrow.


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