This is discussion? Google Artic seed Vault Rockefeller, Gates, Monsanto.

Jon wrote:
Originally Posted by Eric McArthur
Beekeepers will be harvesting honey from a plethora of GM nectar bearing crops in the not too far distant future. This will of course be GM honey.
plethora [ˈplɛθərə]: superfluity or excess; overabundance

Apart from oil seed rape what other nectar bearing GMOs do you think are about to invade Scotland on the coat tails of Monsanto.

I don't think Scotland has the climate for Brazil Nuts, Soya, cotton or papaya!
Have you done your research Eric or is this just personal speculation?
let's have your list then.
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OSR, Phacelia, beans, peas, potatoes (Honey dew via aphid !), clover, Maize(pollen)
Soya, alfalfa (think Global Warming!).
Seed nurseries growing turnips, cabbage, in fact all the economically viable food crops. (all Monsanto controlled ultimately)