I have been asked to help a beekeeper with one colony to do a Demaree to raise a new queen, but they are on 'one and a half'. Done plenty on single brood box, but not this.

Obviously put queen on one frame in new brood box at the bottom, then queen excluder.

If I put the super with brood above that queen excluder, then another super, will there be enough residual queen pheromone on the super with brood to prevent the bees above the top queen excluder thinking they are queenless, so won't raise a queen?

Or should I put 2 supers without any brood, and all the one and a half (less one frame with the queen) above the top queen excluder?

I can't lose the super with brood by uniting with with another colony as she only has one.

Anyone ever done this?
Advice please!