Quote Originally Posted by lindsay s View Post
Hello Bridget. I’ve united lots of colonies over the years using newspaper but in every case I end up with one less hive. When the bees in the top box have worked their way out and start flying they find their original home is no longer there. So they either go back into their new home or they are accepted by other colonies. My worry is that if the original hive that your united bees came from is still there, the bulk of the flyers will try to return home despite having a different smell. Your idea might work if the super has mostly house bees in it or the bad weather keeps them in longer but I don’t know how you can guarantee that. This is only my opinion please let us know if it works out fine.
Some people combine using air freshener! Not tried it myself - do you spray both boxes or just the super, what perfume do they like and how much of a squirt - but it sure would be quick and easy!

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