Quote Originally Posted by SimonB View Post
We're new to bee keeping, this being our second year. After a failed attempt at swarm prevention last year (we had 3 swarms, or more accurately 1 swarm and 2 casts!) we resolved to do better this year. I opened up one of our two hives yesterday to do the first of the Snelgrove method 1 steps. I managed to get stung through the veil but was able to complete the process with the queen hopefully in the bottom box on a frame of brood. The bees were quite upset during the later stages and after I had closed the hive I was pursued for fully 25 minutes by some angry bees. It was heavy weather yesterday and my being stung won't have helped but does that seems excessively aggressive? My wife was pursued and stung this morning but thinks the bees got trapped in her clothing. Later today we have both been pursued by one or two bees whenever we entered the garden.
Any advice or suggestions welcome. I'm a bit nervous now about tackling the second hive. We live in Haddington, East Lothian if there were any volunteer mentors itching to get stung.
Thanks for any helpful thoughts, Simon
Hi Simon, I'm a bit far away so cant come to help you but I would say that does sound quite aggressive and probably not ideal for keeping in the garden. I would consider re-queening if it is an option. It quickly becomes a chore going through nasty bees!