Quote Originally Posted by Calluna4u View Post
Just had my attention drawn to this by a friend. Might be too late.

I would say NOT to move the nuc which is so full intact. Poly boxes are desperately prone to overheating when very crowded, and hot bees flock to the mesh floor quickly obstructing the air flow and the colony can overheat and die in as little as 20 minutes. (The voice of painful experience.) Different if you have the travel screen to fit (Paynes do make one you can buy as an extra).

Still early enough to promote into a full hive, and feed a small amount regularly over the next four or five weeks. No dummies needed as it is already on 6 bars with plenty brood to hatch (I assume, unless you have let it get solidly plugged with honey) and with the trickle feed will expand to the full box with ease before winter. We did some just over a week ago as we needed to free up some of the nucs, and already with a single gallon of syrup they are covering 8 to 9 frames with 5 to 6 bars of sealed brood, plus a bar or more of eggs and larvae outside that, present. So no worries about dummying down. (Never use dummies anyway here.)

Hope the move went well.
Hi C4u, I have a paynes poly nuc and the same thing 2014 queen brood over say 2 frames and a good quantity of bees, my question is should I move to a paynes poly that I have modded to hold 8 frames or go for the big move to full size hive ?