Ha Ha Irish Carnica, that really made me laugh.

I can see that even one member able to carry out AI is enough for Queen production but inevitably it will take several members with colonies from the same stock to populate nucs. So a long term breeding programme with dedicated members is the only way for it to succeed. I believe that here in Edinburgh we have an association apiary capable of only producing up to six nucs. Beginners and older members alike all vying for one. It will become increasingly difficult for newcomers to obtain nucs as preference could go to older members with a proven track record of care and breeding.
Once I believed it would be easy to produce a nuc or two but with the costs, time and care involved who could blame anyone for being reluctant to pass on to a novice to what may become an untimely demise for the bees.

Especially more so if a true Amm Queen were to cost £85.00 and a seasons brood.