Yep - done it. Despite much opposition from my ladies and still not able to spot Her Elusive Majesty, which was not helped by three to four layers of ladies all on top of each other, I found a swarm cell with a nice grub in it. This I decided was the time to start a nuc and did so. Well that is another long story and not for this thread - it is too embarrassing!

Now I have taken off the super which had been on all last season, fed the ladies all winter then it got topped up with syrup this spring. I have now added a new super, cleared the original and so have a super of stores to look after with a view to using them for feed whenever needed.

How should I store the stores without them going mouldy/off/away from inquisitive wasps/bees etc etc.??

Incidentally - great sightings of stinkie minkes (whales to the very ignorant!), basking sharks are in as of yesterday so all good and that is why I have been very quiet recently.