Thanks for replies, I don't have protective clothing or bees yet. I have been nosey-ing about the forum reading about different clothing - There seems such a huge difference in price ! Not sure what would be a reasonable jkt/suit to buy. Quite a big outlay initially with this bee keeping malarkey.

I've always liked bees/honey and went on a visit with KBA to a apiary about two years ago, (really enjoyed it) but was overwhelmed by the whole thing, there is so much to learn! - I had naively thought I could just stick a hive in my garden watch them, and occasionally collect some honey.

If there is any info sessions the Glasgow BA are running, I'd be happy to drive out to Scotstoun. The KBA have emailed with details of their next out in July and I have been kindly added to their mailing list - as their meeting start up in Sept.

So now I'm at the point where I just decided to go for it.