Quote Originally Posted by The Drone Ranger View Post
Hi Phillip
"The chocolate-coloured native dark bees are Varroa-free."
They say this as if it is due to some inherited quality of Amm rather than just their lack of contact with other bee populations
There must be one of these stories very week now clever marketing I suppose

"The harvested eggs were put in small boxes which were then taped to the hands of apiarists to keep them warm"
As usual the person writing this hasn't a clue what they are talking about and there is hardly a single sensible sentence in the whole piece

Apologies to anyone reading this grumpy post 3 days of mist and rain hasn't helped
Your probably right Gavin
I think what they are trying to study is a population of bees who have not been attacked by varroa and compare the virus types that are found in those bees to the similar populations which have been varroa infested for years
Most journalists writing about bees only seem to hear what they want to though and just write rubbish

On Breakfast telly one day they had two experts in nutrition who happily pointed out that honey and sugar were the same because of their calorific content
Course I fired off an email pointing out that if a carrot and a banana had the same calorific content that doesn't mean they are the same thing
Partial truths and misinformation surrounding bees are just accepted along with spiritual healers working on a Quantum level etc (New age Mysticism)
It starts small and end up like this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-18503550