After visiting Andrew back in June he has a pefectly good breeding system already. When I was there a few people were picking up 5 frame nucs in the paynes poly hives. Some were on their way to Ireland to improve their stocks. Some people were picking just up queens. He also overwinters queens in Nucs or in Apideas. Andrew will supply queens but would prefer they go to people who are trying to improve their Amm. It was also mentioned that he supplies beekeepers in Mull and other Amm strongholds which he sees as an extension of Colonsay.
As an added extra if you visit Colonsay it will dispel the myth that Amm are agressive. Andrew has been selective breeding for over 30 years in an enclosed system and the improvements he has made is amazing.
If you are going to visit Andrew he insists you leave all your beekeeping equipment behind and is strong on biosecurity for the Island