Quote Originally Posted by gavin View Post
Hasn't helped the blood pressure to see all those Italian packages being shaken into empty hives (partially filled with new foundation but also old comb too - I thought that it was a condition of the funding that the comb was new?)........

The local association will discuss this on Tuesday. We really need to make our voices heard on this. As does the SBA membership.
I couldn't agree more Gavin. It would be laughable if it weren't so sad. Just spent the last hour writing another letter to the Scottish Beekeeper responding to the BFA guy in this month's edition. He asks that we all work together. Seems a bit of a joke when all the bee farmers do is work for their own commercial self interest.

Re the programme. Thought it was a decent attempt. Didn't like that they let the imports of those bees pass uncriticised especially when Bill referred later to varroa having coming in on the back of imports. I also wanted to know more about the dosages of neonics being fed by the German researcher to the bees who got lost. Glad that at last it's being acknowledged as a multi-faceted issue.