Varroa has been found in Acharacle, just north of Ardnamurchan, in the midst of a previously Varroa-free area. No idea how it came in here but some 10 colonies and a bunch of nucs are infested or in close proximity.

Some local beekeepers are pressing for the removal of all infested colonies to protect others and prevent the mite spreading. Some beekeepers see little point in clearing out infested bees as early detection is difficult and it may already have spread more widely than is known, as well as to feral colonies.

Bees currently testing as free of Varroa are at distances of 1 mile, 1.5 miles, 4 miles and more from the infested colonies.

Please tell us if you know of areas where they have sought to clear an area of infestation. Did it work? What are the best conditions for success? It is important we have as full and informed a discussion about this locally as possible so for now I prefer to be the messenger and not share my thoughts on this. Your help is much appreciated.