I have a few one-point questions from previous papers that I can't find answers to. They are:

- Name one disadvantage of supersedure.

The examiner did not say from whose point of view - the bees' or the beekeeper's. From the bees' point of view I can't think of any. They have a laying queen although she may be failing, they don't have to face the risks of having to find a new home, and if the new queen doesn't mate successfully - it doesn't really matter. From my point of view, I'm not sure what the bees' intentions are: supersedure or swarming, so I worry - and I don't think that's the answer.

- A queen assesses whether a cell is suitable for a drone or a worker egg using her: ocelli; anterior metatarsals; tibial spurs; proboscis.

She can't see in the dark and she doesn't use her legs (I think that's what the two middle terms are about), so that leaves the proboscis - but does she really use her tongue for that? If it wasn't a pick-the-right-answer question, I probably would have guessed her antennae.

- In a brood nest at its peak size, what are the proportion of eggs to larvae to sealed brood?


- What electrical phenomenon affects honey bee dances?

Can anybody help with these, please?