Welcome to the SBA Interactive forum.
Beekeeping issues, beekeeping queries, beekeeping thoughts
Discussing serious beekeeping, Scottish or otherwise
Interested in taking up the craft? Recently started? See if someone will help you out ...
Interested in Apis mellifera mellifera? Want to breed and conserve our honeybee heritage?
Varroa, Nosema, foulbrood, acarine, viruses ..
Raising queens in a controlled manner, grafting, cell raising, Apideas, mating apiaries.
Selling honey? Marketing, food standards? Semi- or fully commercial already?
Top bar hives, Warres, skeps, Stewartons, you name it!
For those less-focussed discussions where keeping on-topic doesn't matter
Do you have any favourite beekeeping links you'd like to share? Suggested by the members, let's give it a try ....
Beekeepers united
Local help, local action. Just discuss general local association issues here, or you can have a separate area for your own association.
The business of running an LA. Suggestions, queries, chat from, for and between those managing LAs. How do you do it?
Beekeeping at the national level. Suggestions? Queries?
An area for private groups to discuss special issues and topics. Members need to be logged in to see their groups.
Spare equipment? Raising nucs of local bees?
Habitat loss, agrochemicals, GM crops, climate change. Please don't get personal.
Taking beekeeping exams? Seeking support? Try here ....
Swarms, bees behaving badly, queries? Try asking a beekeeper here
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Most users ever online was 21,035, 22-01-2025 at 10:42 AM.
Welcome to our newest member, frannakip
Latest Blog Entry, Open Sesame! by davidguttermans