
Monday night queen rearing group

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We meet every Monday evening between 7 and 9.
This week the plan was to talk about general apidea management and how to keep the right amount of bees in the apidea once there is a laying queen and brood hatching.
Any apidea which had lost a queen got a frame of larvae from a queenright one to help stabilise it and stop any more bees drifting away. These will get a new cell asap.

The novelty was that we found 15-20 apideas with eggs and these were queens which emerged on 5th July and 7th July, grafted from one of the new Galtee queens on 23rd and 25 th June

I found four of my own apideas with laying queens and these were queens which emerged on 7 th July so just 8 days from emergence to egg laying. I have never known them mate so quickly before but we have just had a week of sunshine and 25c temperatures. I can see now how it is so easy to rear big batches of queens in places where the weather is more reliable than in Ireland.

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  1. drumgerry's Avatar
    Great success Jon. That's a pretty quick turnaround!
  2. Jon's Avatar
    Never known queens mate so quickly but I can't remember when we last had weather like this.
    The queen I grafted from was introduced to a queenless colony in a cage on 17th June and she has 15+ mated daughters on 15th July so that is pretty good going.
  3. Blackcavebees's Avatar
    Very excited! One apidea and two home-made mini nucs, all with lovely black queens and eggs. Yehaw!!! My grumpy bees are now on borrowed time.
  4. Jon's Avatar
    Noone should have to put up with bad tempered bees when you can rear queens from decent stock.
    I checked my apideas after you left and found eggs in 4/5 of them.
    I checked another few belonging to other group members as well and they also had eggs.