
Queen laying in an apidea

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Found one queen laying today from a batch which emerged on 19th June so just managed to get one mated before the end of June. Can only get better.
I have 50 cells with queens due to emerge next week and did another 50 this afternoon.

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  1. Jon's Avatar
    Got 45 starts from Sunday's grafting. 45/60 rather than 45/50
  2. drumgerry's Avatar
    11 from 20 for me from Monday's travelling grafting sesh. No laying Qs in my apideas yet.
  3. Jon's Avatar
    I still only have one laying but this better weather should induce a few to take the mating flight.
    We put cells into 15 more Apideas last night so now have 40 set out at the apiary.
    Late start but we are getting there.
    Updated 06-07-2013 at 09:26 AM by Jon