Bee keeping in Germany
, 24-02-2010 at 10:56 PM (12346 Views)
Poor weather over here +10°C!
After a nice long cold (down to -20°C) it is worryingly warm.
The bees are out 'feeding the flowers' which is good.
But there is condesation under the lids of the hives.
The bees are in brood - bad news indeed.
Local logic goes along the lines of if the bees are breeding early (and with a small brood) the varroa are too.
The older bees will die earlier and the product from a small brood will have very high varroa infection rates.
Hoping for some lovely cold weather like up north in Scotland.
20-30% loss rates predicted from the institutes here in Germany, so I am lucky only having lost 1 from 17 so far.
But if it fluctuates between spring and winter for a while that may increase...