Phil McAnespie

First Blog Entry

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I have absolutely no experience in this blog situation, so if this is in the wrong place Gavin please feel free to give me a yellow card.
I am assuming that my blog is just for some news and info about what I am doing in beekeeping just now, so I thought I would share some info about Nina and the Neurons.
If you are unaware of who this is then you need to sit with your children or as in my case grandchildren and watch the C Beebies programme on television.
Nina does some science work with younger children and tries to interest them in the wonderful world of nature. I was contacted recently to help in finding an apiary with lots of flowers and colour where they could film a programme about bees.
I have beekeeper friend who has the most beautiful garden and with very little persuasion he has agreed to site a hive there for a short time in June 2010. The researchers are coming next week to view the site with the consideration of using it to record a programme in June. Fingers crossed that the programme producers will choose his garden and we will have the opportunity to help in bringing more beekeeping education to young children.
Hopefully there will be more info to follow in due course.

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  1. Trog's Avatar
    Look forward to hearing more about this - and will look in to see when it's being broadcast. Maybe you could put a link in here to the appropriate bit on the BBC iPlayer nearer the time?