ESBA Apiarist

Phase 1 over ... onwards and upwards!

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Phase 1 is over - the Awards for All grant (bless 'em!) is spent, we have bees and equipment, and now we need to settle in and start using the site as hoped. We will have a meeting at the site in 9 days, and so there is quite a bit to do. Probably have an official opening a little later in the summer when we will make a splash in the media.

A high point today was a visit to another site several miles from the association apiary near Dundee where we have some splits and Apideas coming along. There are eggs in one of the Apideas (another might have, but they have cross-combed and it is not easy to check). We also had 7 nucs there for mating and two of them have sheets of eggs. Another 2-3 look like there will be soon, one I'm not sure about and one has failed. I now have some bees from that stock in the freezer and an offer of help from Jon to have them typed. We are on our way ....

Lovely to see the eggs of the new queen. Like Adam I couldn't help smiling. And yes, the nursemaids are awfy carnie-like but the queen's mother and the drones are not.

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Updated 09-06-2011 at 10:58 PM by gavin



  1. Jon's Avatar
    Good stuff.
    I can see you are en route to becoming an apidea geek.
    I love the arithmetic. One mated queen means the apidea has paid for itself.