ESBA Apiarist

Two milestones

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Two leaps forward at the association apiary today. I had need of a queen for one of the failed polynucs so fetched one from an Apidea and introduced it in a Butler cage. The Apidea had comb at all angles so I took that to bits in the process of finding the queen. The feeder unit was a convenient place for a spare slab of sealed brood. Anyway, job done and another protected queen cell took her place.

The second milestone? A media interview at the apiary. Was anyone watching Scottish Television news this evening?

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  1. Jon's Avatar
    Have you got a link to the interview?
  2. ESBA Apiarist's Avatar
    I couldn't see a video earlier - they may not do an online version of their news programme. They might even not have used the interview.
  3. Neils's Avatar
    Did you have to go to the local department store to be sorted out with foundation?