ESBA Apiarist

They're settling in

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Nice to see a cloud of bees in the air at the apiary this lunchtime. The new colony's new foragers were out in the sun. There was a lot of activity, the first frenzy of a flow I've seen this spring.

To stabilise as they approach the undercarriage goes down.

Time for a quick ankle rub as they approach the door.

Legs apart for landing.

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  1. Jon's Avatar
    Nice pictures. It is amazing how quickly they reorientate. You can see some bees bringing in pollen within an hour or two of a move.
  2. ESBA Apiarist's Avatar
    Yesterday I think I arrived as it was really warming up and there was a cloud of orientating bees, maybe young ones. In the 10 min or so it took me to offload the latest bee equipment purchases from the car to the shed the orientation flights had calmed down and there was a rush of bees on foraging duties. Maybe these bees you see returning were on their first forays. I was wrong to say this was the first excited foraging I've seen - when the willow was out there was something similar.

    When I had the camera in my hand I was thinking of Calum's excellent photos earlier, so that is where the inspiration came from. Wide angle, short focus, flash on, rotate and crop them later to take account of the funny angles and the unwanted areas on the shots.