Recent Blogs Posts

  1. A close shave

    I always knew this week would be hectic as I have 42 grafted queen cells hatching between Tuesday and Saturday.
    I have several sidekicks loading apideas and we have 21 with virgins ready to take to an apiary with Galtee queens/Drones tomorrow.
    TT left 6 mating nucs with me on Sunday and loaded in the queen cells today. Some of them were hatching as he put them in.
    The close shave of the title refers to some early hatchers.
    I had about 10 on a frame due to hatch tomorrow ...
  2. Tiny Tim

    This morning I arranged to meet one of the our new BKA members. I've got to know him a bit over the last few months. He is a first year beekeeper with a single colony.
    He is known to one and all as Tiny Tim given that he is 6' 11".
    last week I discovered that he is is a native bee enthusiast and a BIBBA member.
    He also has 15 mating nucs and is very keen to get going with queen rearing.
    To some extent, as a beginner, he may be putting the cart before the horse with ...

    Updated 18-05-2010 at 06:23 PM by Jon
