
2 down, 5 to do

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Scraped a pass on my Module 3 exam by the skin of my teeth. Pass mark is 60% which is what I got.

Module 1 perhaps lulled me into a false sense of security. It's a relatively straightforward paper in comparison as it deals with things you need to do more or less every day as a beekeeper. I know that it has its critics, especially around the frequently mentioned need to remember daft things like hive or frame dimensions, but I still think doing it was well worthwhile.

Module 3 was far more involved in many respects. I don't think it would come as much surprise if I said it has a pretty heavy emphasis on Varroa but also covered in some depth both disease and more emphasis now on bee health/apiary hygiene generally.

I'm sure that those who don't see the point knowing frame dimensions won't see any point in knowing the scientific names of the various bug, animals, bacteria etc that interact with our bees but I found it surprisingly useful.

I'm now ready to give Gavin a run for his money (i'm sure I'll live to regret writing that )

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  1. Jon's Avatar
    A man after my own heart Nellie.
    I remember at university in the early years the only thing that mattered was pass or fail. No marks were carried forward.
    I used to study until I thought I knew enough to get the pass mark and no more.
    At the end of my first year I passed 3 out of 4 subjects by just a percent or two.
  2. HensandBees's Avatar
    no no, well done on your pass you put loads of work in and it is a difficult subject .............
  3. Neils's Avatar
    Jon, by the time I was on the last section this time around I was desperate to try and gain as many marks as I could as I wasn't convinced that I'd remembered enough to pass the flipping thing. I completely blanked on stuff that I knew like the varroa lifecycle, I just couldn't remember timings for the life of me.

    Thanks Hens
  4. Jon's Avatar
    Well done anyway.
    You are hereby nominated to answer all the difficult questions on the forum.
  5. EmsE's Avatar
    Well done Nellie. I looked went through the syllabus the other week and thought I'd leave it to another day- so many unpronounceable words & timings to find out / remember. Anyone know when the results tend to come out in Scotland?