Recent Blogs Posts

  1. Tales from the Hive - Spring Cleaning

    The queen was disgruntled. Very disgruntled. “Do you really expect me to lay my lovely eggs in this?”, she grumbled. The housebees, like teenagers who'd not quite tidied their rooms to the required standard, replied somewhat grumpily, “We did our best, ma'am.”
    “Well, it's not good enough. You'll have to use this one for stores or something.” Queenie flounced off to find a better frame. Hearing the somewhat mutinous, though muted, mutterings from that part of the hive, Mitzzi went to investigate. ...
  2. Clearer Board & Ventilation

    I am new to beekeeping (2nd yr) (1 hive in good order, 1x NUC didn't survive winter).

    I have been watching the BBC 4 Beekeeping prog (good prog) and noted that Martha Carney's WBC hive had a 1x Super with clearer board and porter bee holes open (no Porter Bee escapes in place in the normal seasonal use). She explained the use of the Porter Bee etc; but I noted that the bees have access above the super into the roof space etc; on mine I have gaffer taped the holes prior to use of ...