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  1. beekeeping apprentice

    Hi all,

    I' ve been accepted into the Peace Corps and in the autumn will be heading off to central America for 2 years. I'm being encouraged to learn beekeeping, as honey would be a good way for subsistence farmers to supplement income in small villages. I've just bought a book on honey bee biology, but have no experience beekeeping. Is there anyone in or around Edinburgh that could do with an apprentice/slave labour this spring or summer? I'd be very keen to learn, and would perform ...
  2. April.

    What a month this year / willow has been its best in years with many still giveing pollen. colony development is a bit slower as you would expect but some colonies are building strong with fresh nectar drying,good to see white wax.

    Someone asked the question how do you know when there bringing in nectar? good question... for me seeing bumbles trying to gain entry along with the steady hum from within,on quiet evenings you can smell the hives too, all by watching and listening, When ...
  3. Looking good - I think?

    Although weather was not great yesterday, I got the chance to go through my hive. This with much trepidation as there seemed to be less activity with the ladies over the last two weeks and some odd drunken like ladies on their landing strip and some seemingly doing kamikazi like dives into the ground where they just crawled around aimlessly - thoughts of something very wrong inside??

    The super still had plenty of stores in it and fresh pollen. But this super is full of spring syrup ...
  4. sunny afternoon

    I have resisted the temptation to have a peek My beekeeper mentor has kept in touch throughout and the call came yesterday to open up. Done the first inspection of the year and i am pleased to say that things are going well here. There are five frames of sealed brood, 1 drone cell some evidence of a queen cell being made and the queen was spotted. I have to say I am delighted and that despite the worst winter for years the girls have made it through. There was plenty pollen coming in and some ...
  5. A relaxing saturday

    So things chug along quite merrily. If I have a complaint about my bees it's that they love gumming things up. I've seen it noted that Hoffman frames attract Brace comb and mine is certainly no exception. Still, that aside things seem to be progressing nicely. The first super is being nicely drawn and starting to fill up. Possibly a little ahead of schedule I've added a second super and started to cycle drawn comb into the top box and foundation down below. We've got a huge stack of foundation ...
    Tags: inspection
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