Recent Blogs Posts

  1. DrawWing

    I have tried to run the trial version of drawing both on XP and windows 8 but when I try to upload the scanned wings in the program locks and a dialog of program not responding then the program closes down can any one help with this problem
  2. Tiny red mite

    I am a newbee this year. Started with 2 nucs in April and now have 9 hives, all on at least a brood box, 3 on 2 brood boxes and supers. but did not touch brood boxes which are heavy. I removed 25 lbs of honey 10 days ago. Have been looking for varroa during the season examining drone brood but only saw one. Did icing sugar 2 weeks ago and got a few hundred tiny bright red mites in some hives (about the size of a pin head). they did not look like the varroa I saw in other bee keepers hives. ...