All Blog Entries

  1. Four down, one to go

    An amazing improvement in the weather today so I decided to mark some late season queens which I didn't get round to doing last year.
    April is a good month for marking a queen as there are usually not too many bees in the box.
    Call me an old fuddy duddy if you like, as Woodrow Wyatt used to say before going off on a rant, but I use the tried and trusted 'crown of thorns'. Thats thorns without either an E or an apostrophe, although I did buy it from Thorne so it was once a Thorne's ...

    Updated 08-04-2010 at 11:05 AM by Jon

  2. Colony Losses In Scotland

    Checking out the various subjects under discussion in the POSTS - it would appear that it is business as usual for Scotland's bees and beekeepers. Where dio I get my bucket of sand? Or are we all suffering in silence?
  3. Pesticides and Colony Demise - Again!!

    The information in the link below seems to contradict the accepted wisdom by some folk in beekeeping circles North and South of the border that pesticides are not a factor in CCD, also the article states that bees do indeed rob/scavenge honey from 'dead out' hives, again in total contrast to accepted wisdon handed down overr a number of years. Perhaps the denial of pesticide involvement in colony demise, should now be more closely scrutinised.

    Bees in more trouble ...
  4. Uncapping Knife-- hot or cold

    Has anyone got any thought's on which is best Electric or Cold uncapping knife's also uncapping tray's is it possible to make one or would i be better puchasing one.
  5. Trog's Blog 5 - Sitting on my Hands

    Yesterday was a lovely day. The sun was shining, there was little wind and the bees were all over the willow flowers. Gorse was in flower nearby and many of them would certainly have been there, too. All four colonies were flying well.

    So, why did I not dive in straight away for the first spring inspection? Answer: because I didn't need to! The weather's been pretty poor so far this spring and is due to be dreadful for the next few days. Why demoralise the bees on the first ...
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