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  1. Tales from the Hive ... yet more

    Mitzzi landed heavily on the alighting board, compound eyes streaming. At least she wasn't coughing; that would be an evolutionary step too far. Pausing only to brush off an irritating fragment of volcanic dust, she rushed in to see the queen. "It's pretty bad out there. I wonder if we should ground all flights for the day."

    "Hmmm", said the queen, thinking that now she'd got into her stride with the egg-laying she didn't really want to have the pollen and ...
  2. Busy weekend-19c today

    19c today and I must have seen about 20 queen wasps out and about.
    There were 6 around a little piece of fondant I had dropped beside a hive.
    I saw several trying to get in a hive and and one was killed by half a dozen guard bees who dragged it off the landing board.

    I marked two more queens (bees not wasps) and re-marked another whose spot had almost worn off. (couldn't count in last blog entry)
    One thing I noticed is that most colonies have good pollen stores. ...
  3. Trog's Blog 6 - Happy Days!

    The Press, ever eager to give us something else about which to worry, has been full of speculation that small birds like wrens, coal tits and goldcrests may have succumbed to the cold winter. I was quite worried about my resident 'stable wren' who had been noticeably quiet. Yesterday, however, as I went to let out the hens, there was an exuberant burst of song from an accomplished twitterer and there he was!

    Although it was still too cold to take a look at my bees, a friend's garden ...
  4. Apitherapyy under attack!

    An American company which has been trading for some 30 years was raided by the FDA for making claims about honey and health. The root of the problem for the business is Codex Alimentarius, the best kept secret ever! Is Codex good for our health?
    check the link:

    The Codex Alimentarius Commission
    The Best Kept Secret Ever, Pertaining to Food Regulation

    By Eric McArthur ...
  5. What About Hygiene???

    I am new to this Keeping Bees madness, and the one thing that I have noticed from the start of becoming interested is the lack of hygiene and possible cross-contamination that beekeeper indulge in.
    I have been making homemade wine for years and the importance of hygiene is paramount. Now I am not talking full noddy suit and police forensics standards, but I have seen hive equipment sold or passed on. Old frames reused and old stores from dead hives reused in new nukes.
    Now that is ...
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