Recent Blogs Posts

  1. First quick check 2012

    There was a real sense of spring in the air today with weak sunshine and a temperature of about 13c.
    I had a quick check through 9 colonies I have at my allotment.
    I know I know, some will say far too early, but the initial check is to check the level of stores and have a quick look for anything untoward. No messing about looking for queens or marking and clipping although I did see several.
    So what did I learn.
    -In spite of a lot of entrance activity, they were a bit ...

    Updated 10-03-2012 at 07:02 PM by Jon

  2. Langstroth Hive beekeepers / nukes?

    I've inherited a couple of langstroth hives which i'd like to setup with nukes this year. Are they any beekeepers in the Central belt using langstroth hives that might have nukes available later on? Any help gratefully received.
